The Sprout Lady...
The Sprout Lady...
The Colmans farm we know and love today has come a long way from it's humble beginnings... It was founded by Elizabeth "Nanny" or locally known as the sprout lady.
She grew and sold sprouts to butchers and locals in the hopes of raising enough money to build a new home.
She grew between six to eight thousand sprouts yearly amongst other vegetables. Nanny was incredibly passionate about growing her own produce and decided to not only build her own home but build her empire in the process.
Manship Lodge sits proudly on the farm and is home to Philip and Paula Colman.

Kenny or more affectionately known as "Grandad" is the husband of the late sprout lady. Kenny took over the farm in 1966 from his father "E W" and joins the long line of succession from his Great, Great Grandfather who originally purchased the farm from "Billy Manship"
At 83 years young he still works at the farm seven days a week. He can be found inside the farm shop barn which he built himself and still stands proudly today.
Albeit wrestling with modern technology, sneakily eating cheese scones and always putting smiles on customers faces.

"Philip and Paula"
"Philip and Paula"
The current custodians of Colman's farm and Manship Lodge are Philip and Paula Colman. Philip is "Grandad's" son.
They came with their daughter Leah to the farm 22 years ago.
They have both continued in the footsteps of predecessors building and diversifying the farm into what you see today.
Both hope that their daughter Leah or their Grandchildren will continue the tradition.

Leah is the only daughter to Philip and Paula Colman.
Leah loves to help out on the farm and is often seen chasing Hector around the fields.
Leah is due to be married to Mark Dixon, they have a lovely little family and is currently pregnant with a baby girl on the way in May.

The Future Generation....
The Future Generation....
The future of Colmans farm is bright and exciting!
With a new generation already running around helping "PA"​ and riding the tractor for hours on the harvest.
A sister for Hector and a new little addition is also due
May 2021....

The Farm Dog....
The Farm Dog....
If the farm gates are open Zach is there.
At 12 and now fully blind he is still a huge part of the Colmans family, he is a firm favourite amongst all of the customers visiting and always gives you a warm welcome.